среда, 25 сентября 2013 г.

“Kamsky cable” traditionally takes the highest ratings among large facilities in Perm region

Perm business publication “”Business Class” published the regular rating “TOP-300 largest facilities in Perm region”. According to the results of 2012 LLC “Kamsky cable” won the 11th place of the rating with gain index of 21 454 million rubles and profit before taxes of 589 million rubles.
“Kamcable” is a leader among regional industries, outgoing JSCo “Mineralnye udobreniya”, “Matafraks”, “Motovilihinskie factories” and others. Top places in the rating are occupied by representatives of the energy sector and mining companies

Commenting high indexes, The Director General LLC “ Kamsky cable” Vladimir Molokovsky pointed out: “ The active work with key clients gave us good results – with largest energy and industry holdings. Nowadays the factory proceeds to realize big modernization programs, the development of innovative production, optimization of business- projects and development of company’s staff.

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