среда, 25 сентября 2013 г.

PJSC "Odeskabel" is included in the European Business Association (EBA)

July, 22 The Management Board of the European Business Association (EBA) has decided to adopt PJSC "Odeskabel" as a true member of the Association.

European Business Association is non-state and non-profitable organization that tends to express the interests of foreign and native investors in Ukraine. The Association was founded in 1999 at the initiative of European Commission that was interested in business support in Ukraine and the set of the contact Ukraine-EU. 

The priority tasks are – to reduce the berries for foreign and native investment in Ukraine economy; different mechanisms support that contribute to economic integration in EU and Ukraine positioning as attractive country for investment.

Nowadays European Business Association has more than 900 members – foreign and Ukraine companies and the number is constantly growing.

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