среда, 25 сентября 2013 г.

“Rostelekom” launches a network of mobile connection of the 3 generation in St- Petersburg

In August 2013 "Rostelecom" in St. Petersburg launched in commercial operation  the first segment of its own network of third generation mobile communication (3G +). In this way a well-known domestic services in St Petersburg "Rostelecom" (telephony, broadband and interactive TV) added a new complementary service - mobile communications. By the beginning of commercial operation a new line of tariff plans and options for data services has been developed, designed for different styles and levels of service consumption. The main feature of the tariff line is low cost of the mobile Internet in home region and low cost of calls inside the net and to the  landlines telephones of “Rostelekom”.  Consumers who actively use in everyday life mobile access to the Internet are the focus-on audience of mobile service of “Rostelekom”.

Taking into account the growing interest on mobile Internet , “Rostelekom” uses the modern technology HSPA+ building the network of third generation. It allows the data rates grow up to 21 Mbit / s (in contrast to the first networks of 3G, which provided a much lower speed - up to 3.6 Mbit / s), that’s why it is often called as 3G +. Now, "Rostelecom" clients in St. Petersburg will be able to enjoy fully the new speed of mobile Internet and discover the abilities of their smartphones, tablets and USB-modems to get the advanced interactive services.

In the future the company plans to widen the net opportunities and provide up to 42 Mbit\s speed.   The number of company’s basic stations on St-Petersburg territory will be constantly growing, that allows to reach a high level of coverage in the region. It is important to notice that constructing the mobile network "Rostelecom" bases on its own powerful fiber-optic network with high bandwidth, which allows to open completely the possibility of high-speed technology HSPA +. As the senior Vice-President –commercial Director of “Rostelekom” Larisa Tkachuk has notices : “ The launching of the mobile net 3G+ in St-Petersburg is a significant step for “Rostelekom” – because exactly in this city the Russian mobile connection was generated. No doubt that nowadays we experience the first steps, but in the future we plan to improve dynamically the coverage in the region. We will be grateful to our clients for the feedback, that can improve the network. “Rostelekom” emphasizes the data transfer in mobile business development, because the majority of modern services are on the Internet – originated, Internet- operated or connected with the Internet in another way (f.e. shopping). Millions of St-Petersburg inhabitants actively use “Rostelekom” home services, now we suggest them our new mobile services. ‘Rostelekom” had constructed and explored 3G networks in 22 regions by the August, 2013. They plan to set off more than 8 000 basic stations in the country. The equipment and decision providers of 3G net are Ericson and Huawei companies.  Nowadays ‘Rostelekom” and its affiliates (HCC, BVK, ITK, SkayLink, Volgograd GSM, AKOS and BIT) serve for over 13.6 million mobile clients..

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