среда, 25 сентября 2013 г.

Rostelekom modernized the mobile net in the south of Tyumen region

The affiliate in Tyumen and Kurgan region JSCo “Rostelekom” modernized the infrastructure of mobile network in Karmatsky and Maloskaredinskom settlements of Aromashevskogo area.

In this way 1120 inhabitants of the south in Tyumen region began to use the qualitative mobile net “Rostelekom” 

Till the present time the villagers didn’t have the mobile net. Now they and the nearest inhabitants of Karmatsky and Maloskaredinsky region have the opportunity to use qualitative mobile Internet.

“The discovery of wireless network allows the villagers of the south of Tyumen region to get the access to mobile net, broad access to the Internet and  digital television” – the commercial director of the affiliate JSCo “Rostelekom” in Tyumen and Kurgan region Roman Egorov comments. Besides the assured signal clients got the acceptable prices – tariff plan “Equal communication” with the cost of local contacts of 1.20 rubles per one minute.

In the nearest time “Rostelekom” announces the launching of the regular range of basic stations in the region. 5 new stations of the GSM standard began to operate during the summer

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