среда, 25 сентября 2013 г.

UMMC sent 18 million to the Novokhopersk district development

Recently UMMC sent 18 million rubles for the development of Novohopersk district in frames of agreement about gratuitous financing between LLC “ Mednogorsky medno-serny combinat” ( the member of UMMC) and the administration of the district. The document was signed according the license demands to use natural resources of Elan and Elkin occurrences, allowed by UMMC according to RF Government order 29.10.2012 .

The agreement supposes the gratuitous financing of Novohopersk district in the amount of 18 million rubles. This money has already been sent to the districts budget. Its distribution by the law belongs to the Novohopersk authorities taking into account the opinion of the people. According to the agreement the financing would stabilize the social-economic demands of Novohopersk district and the development of infrastructure.

Signing the contract is the first step to the growth of economic potential of Novopersk district, where nowadays searching- evaluative works are being held. In the future Novohoper and the nearest territories have all possible chances to lead in Voronezh region.  Gratuitous financing , additional taxes and good salaries will increase its investment attraction, the level of welfare, the number of buildings, new roads, schools and other social subjects.

Moreover, the agreement between the regional and district authorities and the leadership of UMMC has assumed that in the future gratuitous financing from the ITC will be made in accordance with the licensing requirements of the individual payments

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